It looks like you might need to sand a flake more. Then stain it...
See 2 previous
@ Thanks for the response! I'm thinking that I may accept to utilize mineral spirits on these places. Then sand once again and use more woods conditioner and more than stain. I merely was hoping there was an easier way.
Well, yous did a corking job building! I redid my nightstands, tops were badly scratched, just stained afterward a light sand, I only sanded the bad spots, I'k gonna have to redo mine too!!
Z on Sep 07, 2014
Nicely made night stand Jaime. Did you use wood glue to help agree it together past any chance?
Run across i previous
@Z Thank you for the response. I did use some wood glue to hold on the trim. I besides used wood filler for the smash holes and other imperfections - since I did use inexpensive wood. I thought I wiped upwardly all the backlog wood glue. Also, both the wood glue and the wood filler bottles indicated that they were "stainable". I did notice that the places where I used the forest filler, is a picayune blotchy, but that does non explain all of this. The sides are made out of plywood, so there was no glue there and I did not utilise the woods filler on all the blotchy spots.
Z on Sep 07, 2014
@Jaime information technology sounds like you did everything right. What brand of filler and gum did you lot utilize? I'1000 also going to tag Kevin from @KMS Woodworks to run into if he can help you farther.
Earlier I stain anything I sand information technology with finishing sand newspaper. Just I can likewise tell you if it is yellow pine sometimes it grabs stain funny. And yes stainable wood filler leaves blotchy spots. Wipe in wipe off. So if the forest isn't smooth and finshed it will take hold of the stain blotchy. Sand apoff and rests in again.
See 1 previous
I used forest filler! Information technology left spotches!! Had scratches in a spot! Gonna have to redo mine too!!
Did y'all use stainable wood filler?
And if so large spots or small
spots. Wood filler is a asset for small areas. If it is a large area it will exit it blank.
Plywood is really several veneers of wood glued together. Every bit they make the veneer they use precipitous knifes that shave the tree torso downwardly as information technology rotates. As this occurs unlike parts of the tree are exposed as the wood is shaven off. No doubt you have seen growth rings when a tree is cutting down. We all accept counted them to see the age. Its these rings that cause the different patterns and causes the stain to be taken in or absorbed at different rates. Equally the wood is shaven off, the thin veneer knives are removing the growth rings, some are thicker every bit perchance that year more rain occurred so the tree grew faster. Then the thinner rings was during a time when the atmospheric condition was dryer. These thinner rings crusade the forest to be harder and less permutable thus not allowing the stain to exist soaked in as much as other areas are. The aforementioned holds true with solid boards All they are is cross sections of the growth layers of the tree. It is considering of that south why the stains exercise not absorb equally well as we would like. To fix this we need to seal the surface of the wood. Some finishes require several coats of the sealer. Some do not. This is dependent upon the grading of the wood, or quality too as the type of stain your using. If you noticed that the grain pattern showed the pattern of the woods, some being lighter and some darker, this is the hardness of the wood showing upwardly. The darker colored wood tends to be softer and as a result absorbs the stain faster, while the lighter areas then to be harder and exercise not. Wood quality goes a long way into the last finished project. Your non alone when staining a project that took a long fourth dimension to construct comes up a bit uneven. College end lumber volition really simply be the way to get around this issue, nevertheless fifty-fifty better quality lumber suffers from this issue. The onetime time cabinet maker understands this and knows how to match and construct cabinets and then this staining issue is much less noticeable. You need to sand the end and apply several coats of wood sealer. You lot must allow each coat to dry out completely earlier you sand over again and seal again. Later on a few coats of sealer, you then can apply a new coat of stain, That should get you a meliorate even look. But you will loose some of the grain pattern that people want when they stain a article of furniture.
@Woodbridge Environmental Cheers so much for the detailed explanation!
In this example, I would sand it lightly, prime it and paint it!
Thanks everyone for all your aid! If I was just making the night stand up, then I probably would go back and resand and condition and stain and try again. Still, I also built a bed, armoire, and dog bed. I used the same types of woods for those, so I think I would run into the same issues. I would dearest the stain look, simply in this case, I call back I am going to have to only settle for priming it and painting. Thanks once again for everyone's aid!
From looking at the pictures it looks similar you might havesome glue stains left on the piece. When I build pieces the offset thing I doafter putting a joint together is wash off all the excess gum several times. Fifty-fifty asmall amount of woods glue volition seal the woods and forbid the stain from soakinginto the forest. Just considering a mucilage or wood filler said it was stainable doesnot mean that it will blot stain similar wood. The spots look to exist virtually thejoints and as for the top did you border glue these boards together and useclamps to hold them if and then this could be where the glue stains came from. Justwiping the glue off is non good enough to remove all of it. I always launder allthe joints and sand them smooth after it dries. If I do accept some spots that donot stain merely sand them once again and reapply the stain. As well with plywood justmake certain you do not over sand and get into the glue from where the plies areput together this will leave the same blotchy terminate. Then the only answer isto use Polyshades and just pigment on the stain with the poly. In most cases thiswill solve the problem.
Earlier I stain anything I sand information technology with finishing sand newspaper. Just I can likewise tell you if it is yellow pine sometimes it grabs stain funny. And yes stainable wood filler leaves blotchy spots. Wipe in wipe off. So if the forest isn't smooth and finshed it will take hold of the stain blotchy. Sand apoff and rests in again.
Plywood is really several veneers of wood glued together. Every bit they make the veneer they use precipitous knifes that shave the tree torso downwardly as information technology rotates. As this occurs unlike parts of the tree are exposed as the wood is shaven off. No doubt you have seen growth rings when a tree is cutting down. We all accept counted them to see the age. Its these rings that cause the different patterns and causes the stain to be taken in or absorbed at different rates. Equally the wood is shaven off, the thin veneer knives are removing the growth rings, some are thicker every bit perchance that year more rain occurred so the tree grew faster. Then the thinner rings was during a time when the atmospheric condition was dryer. These thinner rings crusade the forest to be harder and less permutable thus not allowing the stain to exist soaked in as much as other areas are. The aforementioned holds true with solid boards All they are is cross sections of the growth layers of the tree. It is considering of that south why the stains exercise not absorb equally well as we would like. To fix this we need to seal the surface of the wood. Some finishes require several coats of the sealer. Some do not. This is dependent upon the grading of the wood, or quality too as the type of stain your using. If you noticed that the grain pattern showed the pattern of the woods, some being lighter and some darker, this is the hardness of the wood showing upwardly. The darker colored wood tends to be softer and as a result absorbs the stain faster, while the lighter areas then to be harder and exercise not. Wood quality goes a long way into the last finished project. Your non alone when staining a project that took a long fourth dimension to construct comes up a bit uneven. College end lumber volition really simply be the way to get around this issue, nevertheless fifty-fifty better quality lumber suffers from this issue. The onetime time cabinet maker understands this and knows how to match and construct cabinets and then this staining issue is much less noticeable. You need to sand the end and apply several coats of wood sealer. You lot must allow each coat to dry out completely earlier you sand over again and seal again. Later on a few coats of sealer, you then can apply a new coat of stain, That should get you a meliorate even look. But you will loose some of the grain pattern that people want when they stain a article of furniture.
In this example, I would sand it lightly, prime it and paint it!
Thanks everyone for all your aid! If I was just making the night stand up, then I probably would go back and resand and condition and stain and try again. Still, I also built a bed, armoire, and dog bed. I used the same types of woods for those, so I think I would run into the same issues. I would dearest the stain look, simply in this case, I call back I am going to have to only settle for priming it and painting. Thanks once again for everyone's aid!
From looking at the pictures it looks similar you might havesome glue stains left on the piece. When I build pieces the offset thing I doafter putting a joint together is wash off all the excess gum several times. Fifty-fifty asmall amount of woods glue volition seal the woods and forbid the stain from soakinginto the forest. Just considering a mucilage or wood filler said it was stainable doesnot mean that it will blot stain similar wood. The spots look to exist virtually thejoints and as for the top did you border glue these boards together and useclamps to hold them if and then this could be where the glue stains came from. Justwiping the glue off is non good enough to remove all of it. I always launder allthe joints and sand them smooth after it dries. If I do accept some spots that donot stain merely sand them once again and reapply the stain. As well with plywood justmake certain you do not over sand and get into the glue from where the plies areput together this will leave the same blotchy terminate. Then the only answer isto use Polyshades and just pigment on the stain with the poly. In most cases thiswill solve the problem.